Empowering persons with disabilities through inclusive learning practices.

Supporting inclusive education and digital innovation.

Founded by a woman, AccessEnable pioneers digital solutions to champion equal educational access for persons with disabilities. We are at the forefront of advocating for policy reform and dismantling barriers—from societal stigma to the scarcity of accessible resources, inadequate training, and physical obstacles. Our mission is to create an inclusive learning environment where every person has the opportunity to thrive.

Accessible Teaching and Learning Materials (TLMs)

Too many educational resources remain out of reach for learners with disabilities. At the heart of our mission, we collaborate with Organizations for Persons with Disabilities, government institutions, and school leaders to adapt every TLMs into accessible formats. Together, we are not just adapting materials; we are opening worlds of possibility for every learner.

Universal Design For Learning (UDL)

To enhance capacity building and teacher training, we advocate for the integration of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) as a versatile approach to cater to diverse learning styles. By urging teachers to create and utilize homemade materials, we align with UDL's core principles—Engagement, Representation, and Action—ensuring an inclusive and adaptive learning environment.

Community Engagement

Learners with disabilities require additional support from their communities to fully realize their potential. Through community engagement efforts, we aim to elevate awareness and help society recognize the inherent capabilities of these children. It is equally important to guide parents and caregivers on this journey, enhancing their understanding of the necessary support and fostering effective communication strategies.


Feel free to contact us with any questions.


+250 783 425 753